Thursday, July 3, 2008

How did I get here?

Have you ever landed in a place and stopped to look around because you aren't really sure how you got where you are? Though I sort of feel this way, I know where I am and how I got here.

For many years of my life God has called me to be a writer and I have fought it almost every inch of the way. Within the past year God has been calling me to writing more and more and I have tried to run every way but the way I was supposed to. But as with Jonah, no matter where I run, I end up right where He wants me to be.

My journey has taken a turn recently when the Lord called me to something I really didn't want to do, mostly because I made fun of it--blogging. I used to laugh and ask who had the time to sit and blog all day long, so as God would have it, apparently I do.

So here goes...with a little time, a whole lot of faith in what God can do in the life of an obedient child, and my laptop, I set out on a journey to wherever He leads me.

Lord, thank You for leading us in the direction You know is best even if we don’t see the path. Your way is the only way I want to go; please continue to take me by the hand and guide me.

1 comment:

kari said...

welcome my friend! beautifully written and an awesome title! thank you for sharing with us what God is doing in your life. i look forward to many coffee breaks at your site.

may God continue to use you as you venture into this new world....

lots of love to you,